Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized career advice tailored to your aspirations and goals.
Showing you the Path to Propel Your Career

Basic Safety Training

Covering modules such as First Aid, Manual Handling, Fire Awareness, and Working at Heights, this training ensures that participants are well-prepared to navigate the specific challenges and risks associated with wind turbine operations.

BST Training Modules

Basic Technical Training

It encompasses a range of technical modules such as Mechanical, Hydraulic, ElectricalBolt Tensioning andInstallation, providing participants with the hands-on skills and knowledge necessary for effective maintenance and troubleshooting or installation in a wind turbine environment.

BTT Training Modules

Advanced Training

Advanced training modules to further enhance the safety and preparedness of individuals working in the wind energy industry. Enhanced First Aid (EFA) and Advanced Rescue Training (ART) are two critical components of this advanced training.

Advanced Training Modules

Lift Training Courses

Service lift training standards are aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills to take responsibility to undertake certain tasks with regards to lifts in a wind turbine environment. This he standard is divided into three modules which includes Lift User, Lift Installation and Repair, Lift Inspection and Maintenance.

Lift Training Modules

Crane & Hoist Training

Crane and Hoist training standards are aimed at providing international recognized training for operation of wind energy lifting equipment that do not require legal or formal license. The training is divided in three modules Basic User, Inspection and Maintenance and Slinger Signaller.

Crane & Hoist Training Modules

Other Courses

We also offer training for GWO Instructor Qualification Training, Wind Limited Access, and are currently developing Control of Hazardous Energies that will be added to our scope in 2024.

Other GWO Training Modules


Instructor Training Qualification is aimed to enable participants to instruct and train in accordance with adult learning principals and Global Wind Organization training. The Instructor Qualification Standard is divided into three modules Instructor Qualification Training, Instructor Qualification Crossover and Instructor Qualification Trainer*

Find Out More

* Instructor Qualification Module is conducted by GWO for more information Click Here


Let us guide you in the right direction according to your wants and needs. The training choices are immense and can feel overwhelming at times, so we are here, ready to assist you. Contact us!

Career Training Query

Starter Package

These training modules allow you to start exploring the wind turbine environment. It includes Working at Heights, Manual Handling, Fire Awareness, First Aid and Lift User.

Installation Package

For those perusing a career within the construction and installation of wind turbines this package ensures you have the desirable training. This includes the service package plus

BTT-Installation, Slinger Signaler and Crane and Hoist Basic User.                                                                                                                                                                              

Service Package

Interested in starting a career as a wind turbine service technician? This package includes all of the training included in the Starter Package with additional BTT-Mechanical,


BTT-Hydraulic and


Advanced Service Package

Wanting to be ahead of the rest, this package includes all from the Service Package and adds Advanced Rescue Training and Enhanced First Aid.

Training Package

Training Calendar